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Identity Access Management

Identity Access Management (IAM)

The Benefits of Cloud Identity and IAM for Businesses of All Sizes

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In today's digital world, businesses are increasingly reliant on cloud-based applications and services. This shift to the cloud has brought with it a new set of challenges, including the need to secure and manage digital identities and access.

Succesful Access through IAM

Cloud identity and IAM (identity and access management) solutions can help you address these challenges by providing a centralised platform for managing digital identities, access rights, and permissions.

IAM (Identity and Access Management) and SSO (Single Sign-On) are closely related but distinct concepts in the world of cybersecurity.  IAM is a broad framework encompassing the policies, processes, and technologies used to manage digital identities and their access rights within an organisation.


SSO is a key component within the IAM system. It focuses on streamlining the authentication process for users. SSO allows users to log in once with a single username and password to access multiple authorised applications and systems. This eliminates the need to remember multiple logins.


If you're looking for a way to improve your business's cybersecurity and compliance, cloud identity and IAM is a solution that you should consider contacting us.

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Our Solutions

Here are just a few of the benefits of using cloud identity and IAM:

Enhanced Security: The Heart of IAM for Your Business: A cloud-based IAM solution, expertly deployed by OCM, acts as your digital gatekeeper. It ensures only the right people have access to the right data, minimising the risk of breaches, accidental leaks, or disgruntled ex-employees causing havoc. This is especially important for protecting your most valuable asset – your data.


Staying Compliant, Even as Regulations Change: Industries like healthcare or finance come with strict data security regulations.  An IAM platform expertly configured gives you granular control over who accesses what, and provides the logs and reports you need to prove you're meeting those standards. This gives you peace of mind and keeps your business operating without worry.


Streamlining the "Who Gets What" of Your Business: Managing user accounts, passwords, and what different employees need access to can be a real headache, especially for a growing organisation.  A cloud IAM solution offers a central dashboard.  New employee onboarding? A few clicks and they have everything they need.  Someone leaves? Instantly revoke their access.  It saves time and reduces the risk of human error.


Gaining Efficiency, Not More Tech Headaches: IAM solutions automate many time-consuming tasks that a smaller business teams struggles with.  Things like resetting passwords, offboarding employees, and ensuring everyone has what they need to work happen seamlessly. This frees up your team (even if it's just one person) to focus on what really drives your business forward, not on managing logins.


Microsoft 365 Deployments


Microsoft 365 has IAM through Microsoft Entra Identity Management in Microsoft E3 , E5 and Business Premium included . You can off course bolt on Entra plans to existing licenceing.


Google Workspace Deployments 


IAM is not a distinct product within Workspace but all the plans have IAM features with an advanced feature set in the Business Standard, PLus and Enterprise tiers. 


In addition Google Cloud Identity is a seperate solution that provides IAM and  will coexist Microsft 365. There is even a free tier upto 50 users.


If you're ready to improve your business's cybersecurity and compliance, cloud identity and IAM is a solution that you should consider. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you to implement a cloud identity and IAM solution that meets your specific needs.


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