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Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)

PCI DSS Compliance: Protect your customers, safeguard your business.

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More info

PCI DSS isn't a law mandated by the UK government, but it's incredibly important due to contractual obligations.  PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) is a set of comprehensive security requirements designed to protect sensitive cardholder data throughout the entire payment process. It applies to any business that stores, processes, or transmits cardholder information, regardless of size or transaction volume.

PCI Security

The goal of PCI DSS is to prevent fraud and data breaches, safeguarding customer trust and financial information. Compliance isn't a legal requirement in itself, but it's enforced through contracts with payment brands like Visa and Mastercard. Non-compliant businesses can face hefty fines by banks, increased processing fees, and even lose the ability to process card payments.


A data breach involving cardholder data could trigger penalties under both PCI DSS and GDPR.


The specific PCI DSS requirements and validation methods applied to UK businesses depend on their transaction volume.

Making Data Secure

Our Solutions

PCI DSS compliance involves implementing the 12 main requirements across these areas:

Build and Maintain a Secure Network and Systems


Protect Cardholder Data


Data minimisation: Collecting only the necessary data.Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program


Implement Strong Access Control Measures Regularly Monitor and Test Networks


Maintain an Information Security Policy


Restrict Access to Cardholder Data by Business Need-to-Know


Identify and Authenticate Access to System Components


Track and Monitor All Access to Network Resources and Cardholder Data​


Regularly Test Security Systems and Processes


Maintain a Policy That Addresses Information Security for All Personnel


Here's how OCM can assist:


Gap Analysis and Roadmap: OCM conducts a thorough assessment of your current systems and processes against the PCI DSS requirements. This identifies areas of non-compliance and provides a detailed roadmap for remediation.


Technical Implementation: Implement security solutions like firewalls, encryption, access controls, and intrusion detection/prevention systems to meet PCI DSS standards.


Vulnerability Scans and Patch Management: Perform regular vulnerability scans to proactively identify potential security weaknesses, along with timely patch management to keep your systems up to date.


Policy Development and Review: Create and update essential security policies, including incident response plans, ensuring alignment with PCI DSS.


Employee Training: Provide customised security awareness training to educate employees on PCI DSS best practices, how to recognise potential threats, and ways to protect cardholder data.


Ongoing Monitoring and Support: Provide continuous monitoring of networks and systems, alerting you to potential security incidents and assisting with incident response if a breach occurs.


Audit Preparation: Should you need a formal audit, we help you prepare by gathering documentation and addressing any last-minute gaps.


Benefits of Partnering with OCM for PCI Compliance


Cost-effectiveness: Outsourcing PCI tasks to an OCM is often more affordable than hiring and training in-house security specialists.


Compliance Expertise: We have deep PCI DSS knowledge and stay updated on the latest regulations and best practices.


Peace of Mind: Knowing experts are handling your security reduces stress and allows you to focus on your core business.


Reduced Risk: OCM help minimise the likelihood and impact of data breaches, protecting your reputation and avoiding costly fines.


Take the stress out of PCI DSS. Partner with experts. OCM provides a free initial consultation.

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